About Me


I’m Wings. I’m a Filipino, currently studying Computer Engineering in UP Diliman.

I’m an old dinosaur in university (hence why you may see posts of me from N years ago about uni) due to multiple reasons – namely, medical reasons ;-; Still, that does not stop me from doing what I want or what I love. And in fact, I am a member in lot of volunteer organizations (DevelUP, UP AME (Anime and Manga Enthusiasts), UPJC (Journalism Club), UPTT (TableTop), and UP Algo++ (soon, hopefully)). [Or… maybe overworking is contributing to my poor health, but eh. I love the job anyway].

With all that said, I’m nearly graduating (this upcoming 2023), assuming my neurological disorder prevents me to do so 🙏I am interested in Biomedical Engineering since the first time I’ve heard of it, but now I’m truly passionate about it – well, since I’m sick; kind of a selfish reason, but still a valid reason. So yeah, who knows? Maybe the next time I update this page, I’m already a Masters/PhD student in BME? ^^

About the blog:

This blog will contain recommendations and/or reviews of some animes, mangas, games and whatnots that I like (and derecommendations (not a real word, I know) of those I don’t like). I also make game guides/walkthroughs (so far there’s only State of Survival and Hotel of Mask, but I swear I’ll add more). Then sometimes, I post about culture-related stuff in animes/games/etc, like my hina arare post that relates Bananya with Hinamatsuri.

I also draw, mostly pixel art and pencil art (which I probably won’t post because it’s hard to scan them), which I usually just post on my Instagram (@wingspoo) account, then compile them here.

I’ve also started a new series called Game On! where I talk about my experience with game dev, and my takeaways from each experience.

Then I might also start a new series for my competitive programming experience (which is ages ago, my last competition was in 2019), perhaps some “guides” (wow, coming from a noob), and when I finally get the energy to upload my codes on github, I’ll link it here (I won’t link just yet since it’s empty).

If you’d like to ask me questions, request me something, or just want to say something to me, you can do so on my Tumblr (which is mostly dead, admittedly), DM me on Twitter (@wingspoo) or Insta (@wingspoo).



^There’s no emoji for both sides of the wings, so Imma use a tilde as wings. ~(> w <)~

About my blog (and socials) picture:

My profile picture on my socials (except Insta, which is from I.B. by Entabridge (a screenshot, so the pic is kinda illegal, lol)) are from Tsukiuta and are free to use. Although I’ll be updating them soon with my own art :))

About the blog name:

My blog (and socials) are named Wings-p O_O or wingspoo because the original name of my blog “wings of the wave” is apparently the name of a band.

The “Wings” part is honestly just because my original photo on Line was My Boo’s poo with wings (the flying thing on the left; I named my Line account after a poop, yes…). I decided to keep the “Wings” part since that’s what my friends call me (on Line).

I added a -p because I’m a vocaloid fan, and Wings-p makes me feel like a vocaloid producer, lmao (I’m not, lol).

Lastly, O_O, aside from being one of my fave emotes, is just to make the name into “poo”, lol. Partially because of My Boo’s poo (as I mentioned earlier). But mostly because my initials spell AE then add a T for “Tita” (aunt; I have 3 nephews, heh). Mix them all together, it’s TAE (which means poop in Filipino). It’s my username for my competitive programming accounts, so if you see a TAE_LIM, that’s me, lmao.

Note: My birthday is not Dec. 24, 1994. It’s my original blog’s birthday, Dec. 24, 2014 (modified to 1994 to use for SNS, lmao). I feel sad having to let go of my original blog… It’s on blogger and tbh, there’s only a few posts. I only let it go because blogger ate my brains away and I felt that tumblr and wordpress are easier to use.

Disclaimer: The creative works belong to their creators and producers. I do not own anything. Except my life… I guess?

Do humans actually own their life or does the Creator own it? Hm…

Oh, I do own my posts and games (well, I co-own some), so do take note of that.